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A mature couple sitting on the sofa with their arms folded


Here at Simon Noble Solicitors, we understand that marriage can be difficult, and relationships are breaking down more frequently. If you wish to apply for a Divorce, you must have enough grounds to do so, contact us today.


In most cases it, if both parties agree to the divorce, there is no need to attend court. We have years of experience in Family matters so please do not hesitate to contact us.

Whatever your family law requirements, you can book a consultation to talk to us about any of the following matters:


  • Divorce

  • Pre-Nuptial Agreements

  • Separation and Separation Agreements

  • Maintenance for Spouses and Children

  • Child Arrangement Orders

  • Variation of existing Maintenance Orders

  • Financial Orders Following a Divorce

  • Property Rights and Property Disputes

  • Disputes between unmarried couples

  • Cohabitation & Trustees

  • Civil Partnership Dissolution


Uncontested Divorce Proceedings


For Preparation and representation, subject to spouse completing and filing the Acknowledgement of Service at Court within 14 days of receipt.


Includes initial stage of financial provision namely pre – action protocol letter to spouse)

£2,700 - £4,700

Contested Divorce Proceedings


For preparation and representation up to and including the First Court Hearing (Further costs to be advised in accordance with the number of Court hearings and complexity of matter)

£5,700 - £11,700

Disbursements for Divorce




-Filing an application for Divorce, Nullity, Civil Partnership of Dissolution

-Filing an application for Judicial Separation

Filing an application for a second or subsequent matrimonial or civil partnership with permission granted

-Filing an Answer for Contested Divorce

-Filing a declaration as to marital status, Parentage, Legitimacy,







6 – 12 months

12 – 15 months

Key Stage and Timescales


-Uncontested Divorce

-Contested Divorce


For the preparation of a Consent Order or Separation Agreement on basis of terms agreed between the parties

£3,700 – £5,700

For the preparation of a Consent Order following financial disclosure and negotiation of settlement terms, without Court proceedings.

£4,700 – £7,700

Legal fees for acting for you and representing you at Court up to and including the First Directions Appointment Hearing (FDAH)

£4,700 – £7,700

Additional fees after the FDAH and up to and including the Financial Dispute Resolution Appointment Hearing (FDRAH) (The second court hearing)

£2,700 – £6,700

Additional fees after the FDRAH for a further FDRAH/directions hearing

£2,700 – £6,700

Additional fees thereafter, up to and including the Final Hearing

£10,700 – £14,700

Should complexities arise / information comes to light which is not known at the time these estimates are provided, fees may be higher

Disbursements for financial applications




-Application by Consent for a Financial Order

-Application for a Financial Order, other than by consent

-Application to issue Enforcement proceedings

Amount (no vat payable)





Maintenance Pending Suit (MPS) Applications

Preparation and attendance at hearing

Additional fees if a second court hearing is required

£3,700 – £5,700

£3,700 – £5,700 pl

Disbursements for MPS Applications




-Application fee

-Representation fees



-£255 (no vat payable)

-£570 – £1,070 per hearing

Key Stage and Timescale


Financial Proceedings


6 – 12 months

3 – 6 months

Law books

To discuss your family law needs, please call us on
020 8804 3594

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